Central Control System

SiRcom's Central Control Station
SiRcom's Key Advantages

Secure Management Software
SiRcom's Central Control Station software was developed using Advanced Encryption Security (AES) protocols.

Highly Intuitive Easy To Use Software
SiRcom's Central Control Station software requires little to no training to utilize due to it's simplicity in design.

Capabilities & Features For All Emergencies
SiRcom's Central Control Station's purposefully built to support all types of man-made or natural disasters.
SiRcom Offers The Greatest Flexibility

On-Premise Solution
SiRcom's Central Control Stations can be configured to be installed on-premise for clients that desire full control.

Cloud-Hosted Solution
SiRcom's Central Control Software can be fully hosted to minimize the overhead requirements for our clients.

Hybrid Solution
SiRcom's Central Control Software can be configured to provide an on-premise and cloud-based hybrid solution.
Single Software - For All Your Needs
The SiRcom SMART Alert Software SiSA, is a single software that doubles as an Electronic Alerting Software (Voice Calls, SMS Texts, Emails, FEMA IPAWS, Social Media Posts) and Mass Notification Systems Hardware (Outdoor Sirens, Public Address, Digital Signs) activation management software. SiRcom understands that it's difficult to manage multiple systems during an emergency. This is why SiRcom developed SiSA to send all your alerts from a single software. Being able to send all your alerts from a single software will save you time which will enable a more effective emergency management solution.

Unlimited Integrations Capabilities
The SiRcom SMART Alert Software SiSA was developed with our client's environment in mind. SiSA can integrate Mass Notification Systems new/existing (Outdoor Sirens, Indoor Public Address Systems, Blue Phones, Panic Buttons, etc.), Electronic Security Systems (CCTV Cameras, Access Control, Alarms), and Life Safety Systems (Fire Alarms, etc...). This unlimited integrations capability allows our clients to unify their stove-piped life safety and security systems into a modern management system.
Cost Effective Modernization Option
The SiRcom SMART Alert Software SiSA can modernize any legacy Mass Notification System by providing a SMART management software that can monitor, activate, and control all existing legacy systems. This is achieved by replacing the aging legacy management software with the SiRcom SMART Alert Software SiSA. As the world's most modern management software, our clients are able to utilize all of the modern features of SiSA in managing the legacy Mass Notification, Electronic Security, and Life Safety hardware without a complete rip and replace suggested by our competitors.

Product Technical Specification

Central Control Station - Workstation
SiRcom SMART Alert Software

Central Control Station - Touchscreen
SiRcom SMART Alert Software

Central Control Station - Cloud Based
SiRcom SMART Alert Software